As the second in her family to enter the teaching profession to become a Kumon Instructor, Tanya Khandpur knows what it takes to create a legacy in education through Kumon.
She began as a student before her mother opened her own center in Kumon of Falls Church in 2008. But after she received a degree in hospitality management and worked in that industry for some time, Tanya decided to revert to her Kumon roots to become an assistant to her mother for seven years.
While she worked with students, graded their work and watched them fully grasp new concepts, the student success she saw inspired her to open her own center and become the Instructor of Kumon of Merrifield.
“As a former Kumon student, I feel very strongly that the Kumon Program can serve beyond academics and build a strong bond between parents and children,” said Tanya Khandpur, owner and instructor of Kumon of Merrifield. “I truly believe Kumon gives students the ability and courage to pursue and achieve any goal they set for themselves.”
Tanya can attest to the influence Kumon has on one’s academic performance as she experienced it herself. Kumon is designed to spark critical thinking and increased confidence in each and every enrolled student. Through daily worksheet study, many develop increased academic independence and confidence, along with the ability to teach themselves new material well above grade level. Learn more about the Kumon Method today.
“Toru Kumon's belief of making the world a better place by offering students the chance to love the learning process, even when it becomes difficult, is very important to me,” said Khandpur. “My goal for the Merrifield Center is to create a cohesive family of students, parents, and staff working towards the common goal of making happy, conscientious human beings through the Kumon Program.”
Kumon is an after-school math and reading enrichment program that unlocks the potential of children, so they can achieve more on their own. As a comprehensive program, Kumon serves children in preschool through high school. The learning method uses an individualized approach that helps children develop a solid command of math and reading skills. Through daily practice and mastery of materials, students increase confidence, improve concentration, and develop better study skills.
Kumon is an ideal small business for professionals. Kumon Franchisees must have a four-year college degree, be proficient in math and reading, have investment capital of $70,000 and a net worth of at least $150,000. Founded in 1958, Kumon has over four million students enrolled at nearly 25,000 learning centers in 52 countries and regions.